Creating Dynamic Style Sheets Using ASP

Browser Detection

It's pretty easy in fact, to combine this technique with browser detection, producing a style sheet that will work in any browser.

'Detect Client Browser Environment
Dim strUserAgent ' browser type capture
Dim IE5Plus, IE55Plus, css2compatible ' general purpose capabilities
Dim NS, NS4, NS6, IE, IE4, IE5, IE6, Opera, Opera5 ' Browser Boolean Constants
Dim OtherBrowser ' obsolete browser flags
strUserAgent = LCase(cstr(request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")))
If InStr(strUserAgent, "MSIE") Then
    IE = TRUE
End If
If InStr(strUserAgent, "MSIE 4") Then
    IE4 = TRUE
ElseIf InStr(strUserAgent, "MSIE 5") Then
    IE5 = TRUE
ElseIf InStr(strUserAgent, "MSIE 6") Then
    IE6 = TRUE
End If
Opera = FALSE
Opera5 = FALSE
If InStr(strUserAgent, "Opera") Then
    Opera = TRUE
End If
If InStr(strUserAgent, "Opera 5") _
Or InStr(strUserAgent, "Opera/5") Then
    Opera5 = TRUE
End If
If InStr(strUserAgent, "Netscape6") Then
    NS6 = TRUE
ElseIf InStr(strUserAgent, "Mozilla/4") AND Not (IE OR Opera) Then
    NS4 = TRUE
End If
'This may not be 100% accurate; there are a lot of browsers based on the Mozilla core
If NS6 OR NS4 OR (InStr(strUserAgent, "Mozilla") AND Not (IE OR Opera)) Then
    NS = TRUE
End If
'If the document looses the Loose DTD instead of Transitional or Strict
'then set css2compatible to FALSE for IE6 instead
If Opera5 Or IE6 Or NS6 Then
    css2compatible = TRUE
    css2compatible = FALSE
End If
OtherBrowser = FALSE
If Not (IE OR NS4 OR NS6 OR Opera) Then
    OtherBrowser = TRUE
End If
If InStr(strUserAgent, "MSIE 5") _
Or InStr(strUserAgent, "MSIE 6") Then
    IE5Plus = TRUE
    IE5Plus = FALSE
End If

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About the author

Thomas C. Carpe United States

I have been working in IT since 1993. I founded CarpeDiem Business Internet Systems in 1995. In 2000 we incroporated and took on two partners. Its really a grat lot of fun, and I enjoy working o...

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