Extracting the Country from the IP Address:- How To?

Running Query

As we've got the IP Number of the visitor's IP Address, we will now query the ip2country database to find out the Country of the visitor.
For this, first we connect to our ip2country database.

strConString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source="
strConString = strConString & Server.MapPath("ip2country.mdb")

Set objCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objCon.Open strConString

The connection to database is now open. We will now create the query & run it.

strSQL = "select co_name from ip2c where ip_from<=" & strIPN
strSQL = strSQL & "and ip_to>=" & strIPN

Set objRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRs.Open strSQL,objCon

after running the query, we need to display the results. We can do so by

If NOT(objRs.EOF) OR NOT(objRs.BOF) Then
strCountry = objRs.Fields("co_name")
Your IP Address is :- <%=strIP%><br>
Your Country is :- <%=strCountry%>
Your IP Address is :- <%=strIP%><br>
Your Country is :- <b>unlisted</b>
End If

Set objRs = nothing
Set objCon = nothing
Set strSQL = nothing

Thus it will display the IP Address & the Country of the Visitor. If the Country of the Visitor is not listed in the database, it will display the country as " unlisted".

Now, time for the full code in one piece.....

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