Interview with Matthew Reynolds

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Could you briefly list all of the features 'Jo's Coffee' web site has by the end of the book?

Sure… Obviously it has the cart and catalog stuff to let people buy things, but we also have a search engine based on SQL Server’s Full-Text Indexing functionality, featured products list, recommendations and suggestions, an extensible order-processing pipeline that can be integrated into existing applications, the ability to extract data from the system in XML as well as push data back into the system as XML, the ability for customers to review the status past and current orders, some community features and a few some other cool bits and pieces.  Altogether, it’s a great foundation for building a complete e-commerce system on, but it’s also possible to take the lessons learned from building some of the features and add those features to an existing e-commerce solution.

Where do you see E-Commerce going in the next year?

Oooh, good question!  Looking at it from the UK, which is my home turf so it’s easier for me to say, I’d say we’ll see a broadening of the types of stuff you can buy online.  At the moment, it’s fairly limited to mainstream, established stuff like books and CDs.  9. What is your next exciting project going to be. Any more books in the pipeline?

I have two stores going live in the next couple of weeks based on the components we building the book, and another one going live in the summer.  Aside from that, I’m going to be concentrating on getting funding for my startup and hopefully working on my novel. 

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About the author

James Crowley

James Crowley United Kingdom

James first started this website when learning Visual Basic back in 1999 whilst studying his GCSEs. The site grew steadily over the years while being run as a hobby - to a regular monthly audien...

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