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HTML5 and CSS3 Developer's Phrasebook (Developer's Library)

HTML5 and CSS3 Developer's Phrasebook (Developer's Library)
Christian Wenz
25 Sep 2011
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If you are an experienced web developer who wants to start using HTML5 and CSS3 right now, this is a quick, practical, code-rich reference for you. Designed for you developers who are already comfortable with older versions of HTML and CSS, this book offers more than 100 instantly usable code snippets: you can just look up the technique you're interested in, and find solutions you can apply immediately.

Editorial Reviews

If you are an experienced web developer who wants to start using HTML5 and CSS3 right now, this is a quick, practical, code-rich reference for you. Designed for you developers who are already comfortable with older versions of HTML and CSS, this book offers more than 100 instantly usable code snippets: you can just look up the technique you're interested in, and find solutions you can apply immediately. This hands-on guide gets straight to the essence of what's new and important in HTML5 and CSS3, skipping the beginner-level tutorials many web developers no longer need. You will get practical application of new elements and features that are already being implemented in today's new browsers, and offers you flexible code samples that are easy to adapt for virtually any site or application. Coverage includes: * Using new structural tags and attributes * Creating user-friendly web forms * Building state-of-the-art user interfaces with CSS3 * Improving site and application accessibility * Making the most of HTML5 and CSS3's advanced support for drawing, media, and visual effects * Creating HTML5 applications that work with client-side data

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