Lucene in Action

Lucene in Action
Erik Hatcher, Otis Gospodnetic, Michael McCandless
28 Dec 2009
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When Lucene first hit the scene five years ago, it was nothing short of amazing. By using this open-source, highly scalable, super-fast search engine, developers could integrate search into applications quickly and efficiently. A lot has changed since then-search has grown from a "nice-to-have" feature into an indispensable part of most enterprise applications.

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  1. Editorial Reviews
  2. Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

Trevor Burnham said
This is a fine primer on Lucene, the best all-purpose, open-source search technology currently available. The code examples in this book are for Java, but Lucene can also be used via Ruby, Python, or many other languages. If you need to get up-and-running with Lucene right away, look no further.

But if you can wait, the second edition of this book is due in June. Not only will it be updated to reflect changes in the Lucene project over the last few years, but it also promises to offer more information on debugging (a thorny subject that the first edition sadly tiptoes around) and on using Lucene from languages other than Java. Most of the second edition is already available as an eBook through Manning's "Early Access" program.

Chandan Kumar said
The book is on outdated Lucene version, so is of little use. I returned the book

Raymond M. Lukas said
Book is well written, great examples, good in every respect except one.. It no longer matters.. Why even finish writing this book, they should start on one for the current version and give at least a free electronic copy to the people that bought this one.. We live in a fast paced world, I understand that.. The book is good, no doubt, but can we have one for the current version? Major classes are now deprecated, like HIT class.. Kind of defeats the purpose for having this book... The book is good, he did a great job, or is doing a great job, it is a work in progress.. but why continue, right?

Ilya Grigorik said
Albeit outdated, 'Lucene in Action' remains a must read for anyone who's looking for a fast and scalable solution for a full-text indexing and search solution. Instead of stumbling through the API documentation all by yourself, the authors provide a high-level overview of the core components of the Lucene API, how to extend them, and best practices associated with each component.

For our application, we've adopted Solr, which abstracts the majority of Lucene API's, but the contents of this book have proven to be invaluable when it came to initial setup and quickly bringing our development team up to speed on the internals and best practices of Lucene.

David said
This book is a MUST read if you're working with Lucene. While there is information on the internet about Lucene, I don't know how we can have succeeded on a project without this book. The authors know Lucene inside and out and every single page contains information that cannot be skimmed over.

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