Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages: Ada, Real-Time Java and C/Real-Time POSIX (International Computer Science S

Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages: Ada, Real-Time Java and C/Real-Time POSIX (International Computer Science S
Alan Burns, Andy Wellings
28 May 2009
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From mobile phones to microwave ovens, engine management systems to aircraft avionics systems, safety, reliability, and time-critical response are all critical factors. There is strong demand in industry for software/hardware engineers with Real-Time design and programming skills. This text focuses on the different languages (including Ada and Java) used to program real-time applications and the language constructs required to enable you to develop these critical skills.

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Editorial Reviews

From mobile phones to microwave ovens, engine management systems to aircraft avionics systems, safety, reliability, and time-critical response are all critical factors. There is strong demand in industry for software/hardware engineers with Real-Time design and programming skills. This text focuses on the different languages (including Ada and Java) used to program real-time applications and the language constructs required to enable you to develop these critical skills.

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