Programming Python

Programming Python
Mark Lutz
23 Aug 2006
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Completely revised and improved, the second edition of Programming Python is an excellent compendium of material geared toward the more knowledgeable Python developer. It includes dozens of reusable scripts for common scripting tasks, and is one of the best available sources of information for this popular object-oriented scripting language. In over 1,200 pages of material, this book offers an extremely comprehensive guide to Python development.

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  1. Editorial Reviews
  2. Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

David A. Schultz said
It's a good book on it's own, but together with the "In a Nutshell" series, it makes a pretty good overall reference.

D. Rosario said
I can't really complain about the book, except that newer 2.5+ libraries are not covered (e.g. the "subprocess" module"). It isn't meant to be comprehensive in the sense that you won't learn everything, but it covers enough for one to become a good python programmer.

lady_lyn said
I bought this book as a gift for my husband, and he was excited to recieve it. I believe he has found it informative and more in depth than his first Python book.

Jeremiah D. Dodds said
The only thing I regret about buying this book is not getting the hardcover version - it's a huge, comprehensive book.

It's got the best section on GUI programming in python that I've seen so far, and all the examples given throughout the book are practical, useful thing - unlike a lot of other programming books that only give you proofs-of-concept.

If you're already comfortable with python, and are looking to solidify your knowledge of it to a great degree, this is the book for you.

Anonymous said
I thought this would be similar to Programming Perl, both a good introduction to the language *and* a decent reference. Unfortunately, it does neither task well.

It fails as a reference because 1) it is poorly organized: information on each concept (printing, for example), is scattered throughout the book; 2) the index is atrocious. There is no way to find the key description of any part of the language using the index, and I often find important concepts in the book that are not in the index.

The poor index, combined with the scattered organization, means I'm constantly frustrated when I want to look up some particular element of the language.

As an introduction, the book is OK. I would have liked to see some meatier code examples. As another reviewer mentioned, the examples are more about the syntax of the language than actual applications that you might learn from. This is a style point -- if you learn best from large chunks of example code, this is not the book for you.

Also, key modules (sys and math, for example) are barely mentioned.

--Pat / [email protected]

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