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Java EE 5 for Beginners, 2nd Edition (Book/CD-Rom)

Java EE 5 for Beginners, 2nd Edition (Book/CD-Rom)
Ivan Bayross, Sharanam Shah, Cynthia Bayross, Vaishali Shah
13 Sep 2008
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This is a trimmed-down version of another title, "Java Server Programming for Professionals, 2nd Edition - Covers Java EE 5, 1612 pages, 9788184045598, $85.00" The book has been written to provide genuine domain knowledge to programmers who wish to learn Java, Server side, Web based application development, using Java EE. Learning web development is done through a set of examples and hands on exercises.

Editorial Reviews

This is a trimmed-down version of another title, "Java Server Programming for Professionals, 2nd Edition - Covers Java EE 5, 1612 pages, 9788184045598, $85.00"

The book has been written to provide genuine domain knowledge to programmers who wish to learn Java, Server side, Web based application development, using Java EE. Learning web development is done through a set of examples and hands on exercises. Topics Covered in the Book Overview of Java EE5 Introduction To Java, Introduction To Java EE 5, Installation Of Java EE 5 SDK, Introduction To Web Application. Java Servlets Introduction To Servlets, Basic API, Working With Servlets, Working With Databases, Cookies, Session, Request Dispatcher. JavaServer Pages Introduction To JSP, Getting Started With JSP, JSP Document, JSP Action Elements, Expression Language, JSP Standard Tag Libraries. JavaServer Faces Introduction To JSF, Standard JSF Components, Managed Beans and Navigation, Converters and Validators. Enterprise JavaBeans Introduction To EJB, Beginning With EJB, Session Beans, Message Driven Beans, Entity Beans.

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