Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner

Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner
Michael Dawson
08 Nov 2005
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Ready to learn Python programming? Are you new to programming with Python? Do you need a solid introduction to the fundamental concepts? You've found it in "Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Second Edition," the updated version of the successful "Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner.

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Customer Reviews

Philip Hall said
My son is 13. Seems to be right at his age level. One minor typo in the first lesson took us a while to solve but other than that, he is enjoying it.

NWGGuy said
Very good book; whether you are learning a first computer language or OOP (Object Oriented Programming), this is a good reference book to have on your shelf.

J. Frantz said
I liked the book for what it is, a beginners book as it is very elementry and a good way to learn from not knowing anything.

Michael C. Tanzillo said
I had originally purchased Learning Python, 3rd Edition by Mark Lutz to teach myself Python, but found that book boring and difficult to get through. I then purchased this book and instantly regretted my previous purchase.

The text is straightforward and engaging. The lessons are practical and they teach complex scripting concepts in understandable, layman terms. The challenges are generally fun, but can test you at times. Most of the time you will be programming little games, which I found is a great way to learn.

Overall, I wish I would have purchased this book first and would recommend anyone trying to learn Python to do the same.

Tam T. Nguyen said
I was trying to teach my brother a little bit of Python so that he could have a good foundation to go on on his own, but I don't have the time to write a "book" for him. Therefore, I recommended this book because there are many readers who would give it high score. Guess what? They're right. My brother has read the bookd and taught him Python 2.5 without my help, lilterally. Further, even more important, he likes it very much. He told me that Python is so easy ... I'd doubt if he actually knows Python enough to have a statement such as that, but he is clearly enjoying the book very much. I rarely write a review, but this case I have to for a job very well done. Thanks so much.

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“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.”