ADO Programming in Visual Basic 6

ADO Programming in Visual Basic 6
Steven Holzner
24 Nov 1999
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High-performance database access techniques for every application Detailed coverage of browser-based and multi-tier applications Start-to-finish coverage of the ADO object model The ADO con...

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  2. Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

DJ said
I bought this book two years ago. I originally read it cover to cover. However, I still often use it for review.

It is not only well written both from a organziation perspective, but also in content. Examples are complete and ample.

I HIGHLY recommend this book.


Paul R Bennett said
This book really opened up the world of ADO programming for me. It was concise, but not simple. It really explained the benefits of using ADO. It was insightful, but not too complicated. Not for beginner programmers, though. The format took a little getting used to, but if you read it carefully, this won't be a problem. The CD has code samples, so that is a huge time saver - you wont have to copy the code by hand.

Anonymous said
I bought this book hoping to get a good understanding of ADO programming. I have a deep respect for Holzer, and his previous books, but this was a major disappointment.

The book is choppy and poorly written. It reads like an appendix in the back of a users manual. With little instruction, the author simply lists the events and methods of the ADO object.

This book might be useful as a quick reference, but definitely lacks as a teaching tool.

If you are a beginning ADO programmer, I would look elsewhere.

Tulio Cesar T Marin said
All the topics covered on the book is the same that you can find on MSDN cd's. The ADO coverage is limited by the objects and a few words about it. Worst.

Anonymous said
It's nice to see a book focused on ADO programming. The book is most appropriate for more advanced programmers, though. I am a Sr. Programmer and I keep this book nearby for reference, as it contains excellent examples that give me all sorts of coding ideas. There are 2 topics I wish the author had spent more time on though: 1. the architecture of database connectivity, and 2. more on the use of pure code to connect to a database and manipulate recordsets (i.e. the book covers a lot on bound controls, but not as much time is spent on how to use ADO to build/use unbound controls). All said, it really is a good book. Just make sure you already have a good understanding of VB, and databases in general.

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