Hands On SQL 7 with VB6

Hands On SQL 7 with VB6
Wayne S. Freeze
01 Feb 1999
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This is a SQL Server tutorial aimed at improving decision making and simplifying business processes with Microsoft's SQL Server 7 and Visual Basic 6. It includes comprehensive coverage of VB6 in bu...

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Customer Reviews

selffate said
The author has the right idea about how to teach a concept by building an example and using the tools and telling you how to use them. The problem is the foundation is built on swamp land and ridiculous errors. You only get so far and then give up cause you have to fix all the 'mistakes'

Not worth the time..

abolfazl said
open an sqlserver database form visual basic

Randy Howe said
This book is a good starting point to learning the interaction between VB6 and SQL Server. I found it did not go far enough into real life ADO issues and solutions. I have worked a great deal in MS Access and VB before SQL Server. I was looking for a book to bridge the gap between VB and SQL server that would cover some of the data access and manipulation techniques that I use in MS Access. It falls short on going into complex data extraction and bounces between client/server and web page presentations.

Larry said
Half way through the book I just gave up and was left feeling frustrated and angry for spending money on this book. Besides the many errors in the book, the author doesn't take the reader through the projects on a step by step basis. Yes, when I spend money on a computer book I like to be held by the hand and guided through the material in a logical, complete and unambiguous way. This book starts out that way, but very soon the author becomes lazy and just begins showing code snippets from the projects and stops guiding the reader through the steps required to build it. As a result, many steps are omitted and the reader really has to spend a lot of time trying to figure out what to do next. Yes, if you are willing to spend the time debugging the authors code and figuring out how to put the project together, you probably can get the project to work. The point is, all that burden shouldn't be placed on the reader. After all, the author is getting paid to teach the reader, not make the reader struggle through this technology on their own.

Ricahrd W. Cole said
Well the book may not be for beginners but Freeze demonstrates a lot of the power of VB6 and SQL7. The book is worth it just for the coverage of web classes. Although I will not agree with Freeze that VB6 web classes are quicker to develop applications than InterDev 6. You might find deploying web classes more difficult and not worth it. Hey have some fun.

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