Java Messaging (Programming Series)

Java Messaging (Programming Series)
Eric Bruno
07 Nov 2005
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LEARN TO USE JAVA MESSAGING SOFTWARE IN YOUR DISTRIBUTED APPLICATIONS! As software becomes more complex, and the Web is leveraged further, the need for messaging software continues to grow. Virtually all software written today requires at least one form of internal, and even external, communication. Java Messaging explores the various methods of intra-process and inter-process messaging for Java software, such as JavaBean events, JMS, JAX-RPC, JAXM, SOAP, and Web Services.

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  1. Editorial Reviews
  2. Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

Ravindra Sachdeva said
good book. author has explained it very well and do try chapter code it will help understanding concept easily.

Siddhardha said
As other reviewers pointed out, this is indeed a nice work on Java Messaging. For the most part, the concepts are presented clearly and I had no trouble following them. What's good about this book is that there are enough examples to play with and most of them indeed work as promised in the book. This book uses ActiveMQ 2.1 for JMS Provider while the current version is 5.x. However, the ActiveMQ 2.1 libraries are included in the CD, so using those you will have no problem in running most of the examples. I could not get the examples that use Java Web Service Developer Pack (JWSDP) to work however (chapters 8 and 9). This book uses JWSDP 1.4 version which I could not find on the web (at the time of this writing only JWSDP 2.0 is available for download on Sun's site). The book says that JWSDP 1.4 is included on the CD but it was not. Except for these minor issues, this book is worth reading and owning. Highly recommended.

samofborg said
Although the book uses a specific JMS engine for the examples the details and the concepts were all right on and covered everything I needed for JMS. It literally saved my bacon, especially the peer to peer stuff over topics. Whew!

Super job.


Shaun W. Taylor said
Excellent introduction to messaging, including healthy portions on JMS and web services.

The writing style is clear, consistent, and to the point. Probably what I liked most was this no-nonsense writing style. If it's on a page, it's important to understand. The author doesn't waste your time with irrelevant discussions or out of scope topics.

Editing and code presentation are top notch, making it easy to follow, and build upon from one example to the next. The author also shares some gotchas and considerations that I wouldn't have expected to see in an introductory discussion which were particularly valuable.

Another great feature is one of the drawbacks of the book. The framework presented in the book is elegant, but in many of the examples, there is too much cognitive overhead involved in grokking the level of abstraction in the framework, and this takes away from actually learning the concepts. I would have liked to see more non-framework code for the introduction, which is then tied together with the framework.

D. Donovan, Editor/Sr. Reviewer said
Eric Bruno's JAVA MESSAGING explores different ways of messaging using Java software, from JavaBean events and JMS to SOAP. Web programmers receive all the basics to using these features, tips on how and why to use each feature and when to choose something else, how to combine features, and more. The basics of Java communication processes are revealed in chapters which form 'classes' to link related information in a logical progression. An excellent, basic foundation for Java users.

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