Data Structures and Problem Solving Using Java (3rd Edition)

Data Structures and Problem Solving Using Java (3rd Edition)
Mark Allen Weiss
24 Feb 2005
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Data Structures and Problem Solving Using Java 3/e provides a practical introduction to data structures from a viewpoint of abstract thinking and problem solving, and incorporates the enhancements of Java 5.0. It includes coverage of generic programming, and content on the design of generic collection classes. This book is appropriate for readers who are familiar with basic Java programming concepts or are new to the language and want to learn how it treats data structures concepts.

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Customer Reviews

Jason in PA said
I was required to purchase this text for my course. Having never programmed in java before and not having a strong programming background, I found this book almost impossible to follow. This book is definitely not for beginners and assumes previous knowledge of java. I did not find the explanations or examples in the book clearly written. After continued complaints from the class, the professor abandoned the book altogether after just 3 weeks. If your a beginner, stay away from this book.

J. Arenson said
This book is a college textbook for my data structures java class. I was not new to programing at the start of my course, however I was new to OOP. This book does a horrible job of explaining the concept of OOP which, in my opinion, is difficult to grasp at first. The information in this book is very dense. Complex concepts are only given an explanation that is a page or two long (ex: Binary search trees). The examples aren't horrible, but they lack ample documentation. Now that I fully understand the concepts (thanks to the internet) this book makes an alright reference. Overall, if you already know Java or C++ or a similar OO language, this book is probably exactly what you need to learn how to store your data in Java, but if you don't know what OOP is, look elsewhere.

A. Semenov said
book is not so good. explanations are overcomplicated, even for simple issues. If you are beginner get "Teach yourself Java in 21 days" instead.

Seshadri Rangaswami said
I bought this book with great expectations after reading the positive reviews. But the book only provides the interfaces for most of the collections (Data Structures?) and provides very similar implementations to that of the SUN's source with some of implementations left to the reader to complete. Instead of buying this book, you are better off downloading the Source from the SUN JDK 1.5 (JAVA 5) and reading the javadocs.

Myles Bostwick said
I absolutely love this book. Some of the best code examples I have seen in a Computer Science book. It flows very nicely and has very good explanations of why one way is bettter than another.

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