Beginning J2ME: From Novice to Professional, Third Edition

Beginning J2ME: From Novice to Professional, Third Edition
Sing Li, Jonathan Knudsen
25 Apr 2005
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Have you thought about building games for your cell phone or other wireless devices? Whether you are a first-time wireless Java developer, or an experienced professional? Beginning J2ME, Third Edition brings exciting wireless and mobile Java application development right to your door! This book will empower you with numerous topics: sound HTTPS support, user interface API enhancements, sound/music API, a Game API, 3D graphics, and Bluetooth.

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Customer Reviews

Diogo Gonzaga said
J2ME From Novice to Professional is a good book. However, there are few exapmles, dispite clear.

TS 2912 said
I did not realize this book was published in 2005 (bought it end-2008).

This book focuses on CLDC & MIDP using the lcdui package. Recent cellphones are CDC-based and use a swing subset (which this book does not mention).

Also, understandably, none of the associated (newer) JSRs are covered.

Use this book ONLY if you are coding for older or less capable cellphones or you simply want to code to a least common denominator to run on every cellphone (don't dream of creating any iPhone-killer apps if so).

Even then, you could easily pick up the same info online.

Michael T. Wagman said
Never programmed in java beyond the Hello World type application and bought this book. This along with one that covers learning the syntax of java and I have written two useful apps that I have on my phone.

I have something pretty complex as my ultimate goal (although text based - not a game) and feel confident this gives me enough to accomplish that goal.

TheNextGuy said
I have always been under the impression that when buying a book of technical nature, one is supposed to purchase a piece of an author's hard-earned, over-the-years experience, otherwise it's just paying for a documentation reprint. Such an experience can be conveyed to a reader in at least two major ways: (1.) a very well-organized, thought-through and consistent presentation of fundamental - yet often complex - concepts (e.g., "Head First Java" by Sierra), or (2.) an in-depth, unique perspective on advanced topics not to be found anywhere else (e.g., "Effective Java" by Bloch). Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, this book delivers neither. As an example of the lack of the former: the discussion of J2ME Configurations and Profiles is almost as muddy and inconsequential as the specification site itself. As an example of the lack of the later: the entire Performance Tuning chapter, a subject I would expect to be critical for success with a mobile platform is about 10 pages, entire page -sized screenshots included. Topics such as real-world compatibility of J2ME across different vendors' implementations is almost not mentioned at all. So, what's left? Basically, a few hundred pages of short, introductory chapters on J2ME APIs, reading pretty much just like Sun Developer Network Reference technical articles or implementation-oriented CodeProject pages. Don't get me wrong, the book authors' hard effort is clearly visible, but you can as well google for "J2ME Record Store tutorial", a "J2ME Bluetooth API tutorial" and so on.

Jana R. Lingo said
I was still fairly new to Java, but noticed that there was a J2ME study group near me.The bokk helped me both with Java knowledge in general as as well as J2ME in particular
Leader, San Gabriel Valley Java Users Group

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