The Definitive Guide to SWT and JFACE

The Definitive Guide to SWT and JFACE
Rob Warner
21 Jun 2004
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The Definitive Guide to SWT and JFace is indeed definitive and proved to be a nearly perfect choice for starting my journey inside Eclipse's much hyped GUI toolkit(s). — Lasse Koskela, JavaRanch Bartender Need to build stand-alone Java applications? The Definitive Guide to SWT and JFace will help you build them from the ground up. The book first runs down the Java GUI toolkit history.

Editorial Reviews

The Definitive Guide to SWT and JFace describes how to build stand-alone Java applications with Eclipse's SWT (Standard Wizard Tool kit) and JFace toolkit. Part of the Eclipse IDE (Eclipse itself is built with this software), SWT and JFace provide for portable Java applications that have native platform performance and native platform appearance.

This book describes the history of Java GUI toolkits, explains why SWT is superior, and then provides extensive examples of building applications with SWT. This book takes developers through the entire class hierarchy of SWT, explaining clearly (with Java code) how to use all the widgets in the toolkit. JFace, an additional abstraction layer built on SWT, is also described and this book demonstrates how to build applications with JFace with explanation and example code.

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