Microsoft SQL Server 2005: A Beginner''s Guide (Beginner's Guide (Osborne Mcgraw Hill))

Microsoft SQL Server 2005: A Beginner''s Guide (Beginner's Guide  (Osborne Mcgraw Hill))
Dusan Petkovic
22 Nov 2005
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It's been five years since Microsoft released a new version of SQL Server—which holds 39% of the Windows database market—and the latest edition of this bestselling beginner's guide gets users up and running on SQL Server 2005. The book covers database concepts, and discusses key topics for new users including the SQL Server Workbench,T-SQL, automated administration tasks, security, and analysis.

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Editorial Reviews

It's been five years since Microsoft released a new version of SQL Server—which holds 39% of the Windows database market—and the latest edition of this bestselling beginner's guide gets users up and running on SQL Server 2005. The book covers database concepts, and discusses key topics for new users including the SQL Server Workbench,T-SQL, automated administration tasks, security, and analysis.

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