AdvancED Flex 3

AdvancED Flex 3
Shashank Tiwari, Elad Elrom
27 Oct 2008
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Whether you're a Flex 3 beginner or intermediate user, this book provides the necessary information to help you develop into an expert. Using a practical hands-on approach, it illustrates exactly how to create robust and scalable enterprise-grade Rich Internet Applications (RIAs).The book is divided into three parts. The first part discusses the architectural and design aspects of Flex 3 application development.

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Customer Reviews

C. Callendar said
I would not recommend buying this book. Most of the code examples in the book have compile errors so it's obvious that the authors didn't spend much time on this book. Also, I think the authors included way too much source code and not nearly enough explanation. And quite a lot of the source code that they include is stuff that is copied directly from open source Flex projects (such as PureMVC, Cairngorm, etc), so you don't gain anything by having it in the book. I especially disliked the pages and pages or SQL code that they included in the streaming audio/video chapter.

This isn't the worst book I've read, but you could do a lot better.

Olivier Cotasson said
A good book indeed, which is directed to Advanced Flex Developers, as the name implies.

However the code download provided is full of typos and inconsistencies...
So if you are a learn-by-example guy as I am, you may not very pleased with it. Besides, these samples when they rely on server-side languages are so diverse that you spend more time setting up your server than actually learning the client-side (Flex) part : Ruby on Rails, Java, PHP, you name it.

A good book overall, as there aren't many other advanced books regarding Flex.

Olivier C.
Adobe Flex Certified Developer

Walter Fantauzzi said
In this book I've find a nice depth of the details. A book very well structured, well edited and elegantly descriptive. Just a little difficult for me who are young developer in FLEX and RIA application. The images and examples are very useful for understanding situations to learn.

Krzysztof Satola said
AdvancED Flex 3 By Elad Elrom, Jack Herrington, Joshua Mostafa, Shashank Tiwari is a very special book dedicated to Flex and AIR developers. Unlike most other Flex and AIR books available on market nowadays this book covers more advanced topics which are of great importance for rich internet applications developers upgrading professional skills from moderate to advance level.

I think this book is not ideal. There are things inside I do not like (e.g. no uniform source code convention) or I agree only to some extend. That is why my rating is 4.

I am a Flex developer and RIA architect working on software projects. My own experience tells me that multi-tier internet applications can be very complex. It is also very important to develop and deliver the applications on budget and on time which means developers should write clean, working code in an efficient way. This book can help to understand some important architectural and development topics.

Do you know how to successfully leverage architectural and design patterns in your applications? Can you construct advanced and usable components using MXML or ActionScript 3.0? Do you know how to optimize your code to get superior Flash Player performance? What about integrating your application with client- and server-side technologies like Java and PHP? Can your application communicate and interact with JavaScript and HTML? Do you know how to work with Web 2.0 APIs? Can you visualize OLAP data using Flex Charting? If not you should consider buying this book. I did and I do not regret it.

Daniel D. Orlando said
I've probably read every single book on Flex in the last two and a half years, and I have to say that this one is by far the best. It is worth noting however, that if I read this book 2 years ago, most of it would have gone over my head. This is a book for Flex developers that are sick and tired of the "this is what an ActionScript variable looks like" books, and want a book that is focused on building scalable, enterprise level Flex applications. There is an incredible amount of valuable information in this book. EVERY Flex developer should have this book in their library.

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