Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition

Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
David Flanagan
15 Mar 2005
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With more than 700,000 copies sold to date, Java in a Nutshell from O'Reilly is clearly the favorite resource amongst the legion of developers and programmers using Java technology. And now, with the release of the 5.0 version of Java, O'Reilly has given the book that defined the "in a Nutshell" category another impressive tune-up.

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  1. Editorial Reviews
  2. Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

Jas Bro said
I needed to come up to speed with Java after a few years of C++, and this book was just the ticket!

Not only the author is very knowledgeable, but also his prose is clear, pedagogical and concise. None of the idiotic humour that sadly accompany many programming books, and yet it never reads dusty or boring.
Difficult to condense Java in a nutshell, but this is a superlative attempt.

The second half of the book is a Java library reference, but it does give you more than just the Javadocs. At any rate, the book is worth the money for the first half alone. Well done!

For other programmers transitioning from C++, as a second read I highly recommend Bloch's "Effective Java (second edition)", and if you have some time to spare and you do multithreading, you will also need Goetz's "Java Concurrency in Practice". Enjoy!

kcat said
I am a programmer, and in a programming language book, I expect to find syntactical diagrams of the language. Anyone can read those, we should not have to glean the diagram from the wordy explanation. It's fine to have all the verbiage, but head each section with the syntax diagram.
Also, this book goes into lengthy explanations of what object oriented programming is NOT, as on page 104. This is a very bad practice in teaching. Only teach what is correct, not what some novice might ignorantly think. I have gotten better fundamentals in Java free on the w3c site.

Grover said
I used to like this Nutshell book, but it seems to have grown a little too big for its bridges. Maybe it's not O'Reily's fault. Maybe it has more to do with Java growing so much. But earlier versions were quick and to the point. This is now overly verbose.

This is no longer a sleek Nutshell. Its a back-breaking bomb shelter with 10ft thick walls.

John W. Robertson said
I very much like this as a reference, but at this point I feel like most of the back 2/3 of the book is unnecessary bulk. The front portion, however, is excellent.

Diana Francesco said
This is a great book for those Java programmers who want a rapid reference. The only drawback of this book is its weigth: the large part of the book is made of a Java reference (very similar to the official JavaDoc) that in my opinion is not so helpful, as if I need the documentation for a specific class I can browse the official documentation online.
Anyway, the first part of the book is well written and gives many examples that can help both new and experienced programmers to understand the main features of Java 5.

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