XML Processing with Perl, Python, and PHP

XML Processing with Perl, Python, and PHP
Martin C. Brown
21 Nov 2001
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Aimed at experienced programmers, Processing with Perl, Python, and PHP is a guide to processing XML with popular scripting languages. The author is a strong advocate of script, as opposed to C++ or Java, on the grounds of speed of development, ease of use, and cross-platform support. With explanations and examples, he shows how to parse XML using Perl, Python, or PHP and offers brief notes on other scripting languages.

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Customer Reviews

Anonymous said
This book is okay, but is your development team really using all these languages? If you need to learn XML with a certain technology, get Professional PHP4 XML or Manning's new Java and XML book and many others. Not only do these books cover the same material as this one, they cover some really advanced topics such as architecture and design issues as well as giving you heads up on the latest versions such as php 4.3.0. This book also doesn't nearly tell you about all the potential problems that you can have with working with PHP where Professional PHP4 XML will answer just about every question you ever had plus everything else you didn't think of.

Raffaello Palandri said
XML is not so difficult, but when coping with Perl or PHP, you need something to tell you exactly HOW to do that. Add to this Python, a very well written book, and you get Martin C. Brown's book.
I think that if you're really serious into programming XML with Python and Perl, you absolutely must have this book.

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