Teach Yourself Visually WordPress

Teach Yourself Visually WordPress
Janet Majure
22 Mar 2010
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Get your blog up and running with WordPressAre you itching to share your thoughts with the world through blogging but aren't sure how? Teach Yourself VISUALLY WordPress introduces you to one of the most popular, easy-to-use blogging platforms: WordPress. This book's clear directions and visual approach helps you to quickly get started in WordPress and then take full advantage of all its features.

Editorial Reviews

Get your blog up and running with WordPress

Are you itching to share your thoughts with the world through blogging but aren't sure how? Teach Yourself VISUALLY WordPress introduces you to one of the most popular, easy-to-use blogging platforms: WordPress. This book's clear directions and visual approach helps you to quickly get started in WordPress and then take full advantage of all its features. Janet Majure, an experienced and popular WordPress user, demonstrates key points with examples from her blogs.

  • Provides visual step-by-step instructions for creating and setting up a WordPress site
  • Explains how to create engaging written and visual content
  • Shares advice on customizing sites through use of plug-ins and themes and custom site editing
  • Details more advanced procedures for self-hosted bloggers, including buying a domain, getting a Web host, and installing WordPress

The blogosphere beckons! Teach Yourself VISUALLY WordPress Brimming with clear instructions and exciting ideas for building a successful blog on WordPress.

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