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Core Java for Beginners, (Book/CD-Rom

Core Java for Beginners, (Book/CD-Rom
Sharanam Shah, Vaishali Shah
11 Nov 2010
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This book is our attempt to provide the readers with all the necessary information on how to set up the Java development environment and get started with client side, application development, using Java 7.In a step by step, easy to follow manner, the book takes one through application development. It assists in getting a good grip on the Java syntax and its methodologies to confidently craft robust applications using Java SE 7.

Editorial Reviews

This book is our attempt to provide the readers with all the necessary information on how to set up the Java development environment and get started with client side, application development, using Java 7.

In a step by step, easy to follow manner, the book takes one through application development. It assists in getting a good grip on the Java syntax and its methodologies to confidently craft robust applications using Java SE 7. It explores the Core of Java along with the improvements of Java SE 7, examines the various specifications and describes how to assemble them to develop applications with plenty of real world examples with complete code spec and diagrams to make it easier to follow.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, you should find this book, a valuable and accessible knowledge base for crafting robust Java solutions.

CD-ROM Contents
Setup files for NetBeans IDE 6.9, MySQL 5.1, MySQL Connector/J 5.1, JDK 7 Source code for every example in this book

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