Conditional Formatting

Use the function Conditional to read the formatting.
Every time if comes across two characters in the fancy brackets {} it will call the procedure findcolcontents sending the two characters as the argument.
Remember that you can NEVER use ANY brackets inside brackets of you will have errors.
The function reads the string like this:

± = If
§ = And
¦ = Or
ó = Then
ô  = Else
An example string:

±[5_+_{75} = {43}]ó(1)ô(2)
This converts to:
If 5 + findcolcontents(75) = findcolcontents(43) Then
   Return = 1
   Return = 2
End if

'±   753        If
'§   789        And
'¦   698        Or
'ó   124578     Then
'ô   147        Eelse

Public Function Conditional(mask)
    On Error GoTo Errors
Dim condition As String
Dim orignalcondition As String
Dim truecondition As Boolean
Dim properdies As String

    'test to make shure mask contanes conditions
    If InStr(mask, "[") = 0 Then
        If Left(mask, 2) = "E(" Then
            mask = Right(mask, Len(mask) - 2)
            mask = Left(mask, Len(mask) - 1)
        End If
        GoTo bottom
    End If
        'check if or exists
        If Right(Left(mask, InStr(mask, "]") + 1), 1) = "O" Then
            GoTo Findo
        End If
            'find condition
            condition = Right(mask, Len(mask) - InStr(mask, "["))
            condition = Left(condition, InStr(condition, "]") - 1)
            orignalcondition = "D[" & condition & "]"
            'check if condition is true
            Call testcondition(condition, truecondition)
            If condition = "ERROR" Or condition ="CSError" Then
                GoTo Errors
            End If
            If truecondition = True Then
                If Left(Right(mask, Len(mask) - Len(orignalcondition)), 1) = "T" Or Left(Right(mask,Len(mask) - Len(orignalcondition)), 1) = "A" Then
                    If Left(Right(mask, Len(mask) - Len(orignalcondition)), 1) = "T" Then
                       'This is the right properdy
                        properdies = Right(mask,Len(mask) - InStr(mask, "T") - 1)
                        properdies = Left(properdies, InStr(properdies, ")") - 1)
                        mask = properdies
                        GoTo bottom
                        'Do things to reset mask
                        mask = Right(mask, Len(mask) - Len(condition) - 3)
                        GoTo EndLoop1
                    End If
                    If InStr(InStr(orignalcondition,"[") + 1, orignalcondition, "[") = 0 Then
                        If Left(Right(mask, Len(mask)- Len(condition) - 3), 1) <> "O" Then
                            GoTo Errors
                            'remove privous statment
                            'mask = Right(mask,Len(mask) - InStr(2, mask, "I") + 1)
                            GoTo Findo
                        End If
                        GoTo Errors
                    End If
                End If
                If Left(Right(mask, Len(mask) -Len(condition) - 3), 1) = "O" Then
                    GoTo Findo
                    GoTo FindEOrSecondI
                End If
            End If
            'find condition
            condition = Right(mask, Len(mask) -InStr(mask, "["))
            condition = Left(condition,InStr(condition, "]") - 1)
            orignalcondition = orignalcondition & "D["& condition & "]"
            'check if condition is true
            Call testcondition(condition,truecondition)
            If condition = "ERROR" Or condition ="CSError" Then
                GoTo Errors
            End If
            If Left(Right(mask, Len(mask) - Len(condition) - 3), 1) = "T" Or Left(Right(mask, Len(mask) - Len(condition) - 3), 1) = "O" Then
                If truecondition = True Then
                    'This is the right properdy
                    properdies = Right(mask, Len(mask) - InStr(mask, "T") - 1)
                    properdies = Left(properdies, InStr(properdies, ")") - 1)
                    mask = properdies
                    GoTo bottom
                End If
                If Left(Right(mask, Len(mask) - Len(condition) - 3), 1) = "T" Then
                    GoTo FindEOrSecondI
                End If
                If truecondition = False Then
                    'Do things to reset mask
                    mask = Right(mask, Len(mask) - Len(condition) - 3)
                    GoTo EndLoop2
                End If
                GoTo Errors
            End If
        'check if next statement exists
        If InStr(2, mask, "I") = 0 Then
            GoTo FindE
        End If
        'remove privous statment
        mask = Right(mask, Len(mask) - InStr(2, mask, "I") + 1)
    'find else
    mask = Right(mask, Len(mask) - InStr(mask, "E") - 1)
    mask = Left(mask, Len(mask) - 1)
    GoTo bottom
    If mask = "CDError" Then
        'an error has occurred in the testcondition
        'another form of an error has occurred,
probably related to the syntax of the mask
    End If
    Exit Function
    Conditional = mask
End Function

Public Sub testcondition(condition, truecondition)
Dim comparison As String
Dim properdy1 As String
Dim properdy2 As String
Dim colem As String
Dim operition As String
Dim L As String
Dim l2 As Double
Dim R As String
Dim r2 As Double
Dim oringanall As String
Dim oringanalr As String

    'replace colems with content
    Do Until InStr(condition, "{") = 0
        'find colem code
        colem = Right(condition, Len(condition) - InStr(condition, "{"))
        colem = Left(colem, 2)
        'find comlem content
        findcolcontents colem
        'replece code with content
        L = Left(condition, InStr(condition, "{") - 1)
        R = Right(condition, Len(condition) - InStr(condition, "}"))
        condition = L & colem & R
    'set condition to varabules
    properdy1 = Left(condition, InStr(condition, " ") - 1)
    properdy2 = Right(condition, Len(condition) - InStr(Len(properdy1) + 2, condition, " "))
    'find comparison simbel
    comparison = Right(condition, Len(condition) - InStr(condition, " "))
    comparison = Left(comparison, InStr(comparison, "") - 1)
    'remove "$"
    If Left(properdy1, 1) = "$" Then properdy1 = Right(properdy1, Len(properdy1) - 1)
    If Left(properdy2, 1) = "$" Then properdy2 = Right(properdy2, Len(properdy2) - 1)
    'add subtract multiply and devide
    Do Until InStr(properdy1, "_") = 0
        'find operition
        oprtition = Left(Right(properdy1,Len(properdy1) - InStr(properdy1, "_")), 1)
        'find numbers to operate
        L = Left(properdy1, InStr(properdy1, "_") - 1)
        R = Right(properdy1, Len(properdy1) -InStr(properdy1, "_") - 2)
        If InStr(R, "_") <> 0 Then
            R = Left(R, InStr(R, "_") - 1)
        End If
        'check to mack shure numbers are nummaric
        oringanall = L
        oringanalr = R
        If Not IsNumeric(L) Or Not IsNumeric(R) Then
            If LCase(L) = "error" Or LCase(R) ="error" Then
                condition = "CSError"
                Exit Sub
            End If
            If L = "" Or R = "" Then
                If L = "" Then
                    L = 0
                End If
                If R = "" Then
                    R = 0
                End If
            End If
            L = Trim(L)
            R = Trim(R)
            If Not IsNumeric(L) Or Not IsNumeric(R)
                GoTo Errors
            End If
        End If
        l2 = L
        r2 = R

        Select Case oprtition
        Case "+"
            l2 = l2 + r2
        Case "-"
            l2 = l2 - r2
        Case "*"
            l2 = l2 * r2
        Case "/"
            l2 = l2 / r2
        Case "\"
            l2 = l2 \ r2
        Case "^"
            l2 = l2 ^ r2
        Case Else
            GoTo Errors
        End Select
        properdy1 = l2 & Right(properdy1,Len(properdy1) - Len(oringanall) - Len(oringanalr) -3)
    Do Until InStr(properdy2, "_") = 0
        'find operition
        oprtition = Left(Right(properdy2,Len(properdy2) - InStr(properdy2, "_")), 1)
        'find numbers to operate
        L = Left(properdy2, InStr(properdy2, "_") - 1)
        R = Right(properdy2, Len(properdy2) - InStr(properdy2, "_") - 2)
        If InStr(R, "_") <> 0 Then
            R = Left(R, InStr(R, "_") - 1)
        End If
        'check to mack shure numbers are nummaric
        oringanall = L
        oringanalr = R
        If Not IsNumeric(L) Or Not IsNumeric(R) Then
            If LCase(L) = "error" Or LCase(R) = "error" Then
                condition = "CSError"
                Exit Sub
            End If
            If L = "" Or R = "" Then
                If L = "" Then
                    L = 0
                End If
                If R = "" Then
                    R = 0
                End If
            End If
            L = Trim(L)
            R = Trim(R)
            If Not IsNumeric(L) Or Not IsNumeric(R)
                GoTo Errors
            End If
        End If
        l2 = L
        r2 = R

        Select Case oprtition
        Case "+"
            l2 = l2 + r2
        Case "-"
            l2 = l2 - r2
        Case "*"
            l2 = l2 * r2
        Case "/"
            l2 = l2 / r2
        Case "\"
            l2 = l2 \ r2
        Case "^"
            l2 = l2 ^ r2
        Case Else
            GoTo Errors
        End Select
        properdy2 = l2 & Right(properdy2, Len(properdy2) - Len(oringanall) - Len(oringanalr) - 3)

    'check if condition is true
    Select Case comparison
    Case "="
        If properdy1 = properdy2 Then
            truecondition = True
            truecondition = False
        End If
    Case "<>"
        If properdy1 <> properdy2 Then
            truecondition = True
            truecondition = False
        End If
    Case "<"
        If Not IsNumeric(properdy1) Or Not IsNumeric(properdy2) Then
            If LCase(properdy1) = "error" Or LCase(properdy2) = "error" Then
                condition = "CSError"
                Exit Sub
            End If
            If properdy1 = "" Then
                properdy1 = 0
            End If
            If properdy2 = "" Then
                properdy2 = 0
            End If
            properdy1 = Trim(properdy1)
            properdy2 = Trim(properdy2)
            If Not IsNumeric(properdy1) Or Not IsNumeric(properdy2) Then
                condition = "CSError"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
        If CDbl(properdy1) < CDbl(properdy2) Then
            truecondition = True
            truecondition = False
        End If
    Case ">"
        If Not IsNumeric(properdy1) Or Not IsNumeric(properdy2) Then
            If LCase(properdy1) = "error" Or LCase(properdy2) = "error" Then
                condition = "CSError"
                Exit Sub
            End If
            If properdy1 = "" Then
                properdy1 = 0
            End If
            If properdy2 = "" Then
                properdy2 = 0
            End If
            properdy1 = Trim(properdy1)
            properdy2 = Trim(properdy2)
            If Not IsNumeric(properdy1) Or Not IsNumeric(properdy2) Then
                condition = "CSError"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
        If CDbl(properdy1) > CDbl(properdy2) Then
            truecondition = True
            truecondition = False
        End If
    Case ">="
        If Not IsNumeric(properdy1) Or Not IsNumeric(properdy2) Then
            If LCase(properdy1) = "error" Or LCase(properdy2) = "error" Then
                condition = "CSError"
                Exit Sub
            End If
            If properdy1 = "" Then
                properdy1 = 0
            End If
            If properdy2 = "" Then
                properdy2 = 0
            End If
            properdy1 = Trim(properdy1)
            properdy2 = Trim(properdy2)
            If Not IsNumeric(properdy1) Or Not IsNumeric(properdy2) Then
                condition = "CSError"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
        If CDbl(properdy1) >= CDbl(properdy2) Then
            truecondition = True
            truecondition = False
        End If
    Case "<="
        If Not IsNumeric(properdy1) Or Not IsNumeric(properdy2) Then
            If LCase(properdy1) = "error" Or LCase(properdy2) = "error" Then
                condition = "CSError"
                Exit Sub
            End If
            If properdy1 = "" Then
                properdy1 = 0
            End If
            If properdy2 = "" Then
                properdy2 = 0
            End If
            properdy1 = Trim(properdy1)
            properdy2 = Trim(properdy2)
            If Not IsNumeric(properdy1) Or Not IsNumeric(properdy2) Then
                condition = "CSError"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
        If CDbl(properdy1) <= CDbl(properdy2) Then
            truecondition = True
            truecondition = False
        End If
    Case Else
        GoTo Errors
    End Select

    Exit Sub
        condition = "ERROR"
End Sub
Public Sub findcolcontents(Data)
'place your own code here... End Sub

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