ADO Command and Stored Procedures

Connection members

Below are details of the properties and methods of the ADO Connection object

Property Name Description
ActiveConnection The associated Connection Object
CommandText The query String
ComandTimeout The amout of time before the execution is aborted. Default is 30 seconds
CommandType A hint at the type of query string
adCmdText 1
adCmdTable 2
adCmdStoredProc 4
adCmdUnknown 8
Prepared Indicate whether the command should be precompiled

Method Parameters

n = Name of the parameter
t = Type of Parameter
d= The direction of the parameter

adParamInput 1 adParamOutput 2 adParamInputOut 3 adParamReturnValue 4

s= The Maximum size of the parameter
v= The value of the parameter

Execute(count, parameters, options)  

A parameter object also has a AppendChunk method, and a GetChunk method. These add/retrieve data from the parameter.

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