Android Game Development Briefing

Seattle Android Developers
Wed, 13 Apr 2011, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
F5 Networks , Seattle, US

Over the course of the last year, I spent a large amount of time writing a basic game engine for the Android platform.  During this talk, I will present some of the interesting things I learned, throw some code on the wall, and talk about how any of you aspiring game developers out there can avoid making the same mistakes I did.

Since I usually just MC these events, I'm also going to open the floor up for any co-presenters that have professional (read: published games) game development experience that would like to contribute some of their hard won knowledge as well.

Come for the pizza, the socializing, and to tease the recruiters!  Stay to listen and, hopefully, learn a bit about the mechanics of graphical engines and game development on Android!

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