Let's learn about LinkedIn

Byzhub Vancouver - Entrepreneur Meetup
Thu, 7 Apr 2011, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
The Lounge at Caprice , Vancouver, CA
5.0 CAD

ByzHub has a panel of LinkedIn enthusiasts.

Each will share a few minutes on why they like LinkedIn and what features they use for maximum benefit.

Then we will open the floor to you to pick there brains.


We are supporting P.A.D.S. this month

$5 at the door, 100% of proceeds go to Pacific Assitance Dogs Society

Pacific Assistance Dogs (PADS) raises and trains assistance dogs for people who are facing the daily challenges of life with a physical disability or who are Deaf or hard of hearing.


Meet the Panel

Lindsay Smith

@techlinz - digital living evangelist. enterpreneur. technology. real estate


Jordan Consulting

@cadijordan Queen of Jordan Consulting. Providing Business & Management Solutions to the Spa/Health & Wellness Industry.


Susan Jarema

@susanjarema  Engage...Digitally. entrepreneur, consultant, speaker, web design, branding, digital marketing, Make your living LIVING. Share your message online. SMILE!


Ian Nethercott

@lovebuyingcars  Making the car buying process fun. Need advice 604 240 7642 anytime. I love cars, movies, food and great times....


Mike Abasov

@Mike_Abasov  Marketing consultant in Vancouver. Work at @HootSuite. Creative branding, social media management. UBC Sauder 2nd year student.

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