London Geek Nights: Erlang in your Infrastructure

London Geek Nights
Tue, 12 May 2009, 19:00 - 22:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
ThoughtWorks UK Office , London, United Kingdom, GB

From messaging to queues to document databases, Erlang is increasingly providing the service backbone for applications written in a variety of languages; even if you code in Java, Ruby, Javascript or C# you may be relying on Erlang to provide reliability, distributed services and huge lightweight concurrency.

The use of different languages to solve different problem spaces has also given rise to the need to create lightweight platform and language data exchange formats, the most famous of which is JSON but includes Apache Thrift and Protocol Buffers.

So whatever you program in you should know what Erlang can do for you.

Tonight's talks will include a talk by Alexis Richardson about RabbitMQ the AMQP implementation in Erlang.

* AMQP - what, why, how, and why not
* RabbitMQ is made of erlang inside
* CouchDB and RabbitMQ use case

This Geek Night is being held in conjunction with the London Erlang User Group.

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