Sunlight Labs Hackathon at Web 2.0 Expo

1-3 Apr 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
Moscone Center , San Francisco, US

Sunlight Labs, part of the non-partisan Sunlight Foundation, is an open source development team that builds technology to make government more transparent and accountable. We've invited them to host a hackathon at Web 2.0 Expo, where attendees build an application that promotes transparency in government. You can vote now for the application you want to build (or think needs to be built) here:

Please join the hackathon - stop by to help out for an hour or a day, contribute to rebuilding our democracy, and meet some great folks!

This event is open to all attendess of Web 2.0 Expo. You can register for a free expo pass on the Web 2.0 Expo site with the code websf09hack.

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