Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware and jQuery: the story of a successful integration

The jQuery Boston Meetup Group
16-17 Mar 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
Westin Boston Waterfront , Boston, US

Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware: The Open Source Web Application withthe most built-in features, and how jQuery makes it easier to add even more!


General intro about Tiki, the "Wiki Way to make software"

Marc Laporte, Project Admin

Marc will present a short overview of Tiki, a full-featured, open source, multilingual (40+ languages), all-in-one Wiki+CMS+Groupware. PHP, MySQL, Zend Framework, jQuery and Smarty.


Tiki & jQuery: lessons from the trenches

Jonny Bradley, Project Admin

"I was one of the lead advocates in getting jQuery to become the main JavaScript library for the Tiki project. This involved some diplomacy and patience, working with the community to replace the existing JavaScript tools. In version 4.0 of Tiki, we finally began to make proper use of the powerful features offered by jQuery and its many plug-ins, to deliver a user experience suitable for the 21st century. Each version since has seen an increased usage of jQuery, and now in version 7.0, jQuery Mobile is being implemented to overhaul Tiki's mobile strategy. Also, I will explain why I am particularly impressed with jQuery, and will describe the various technical and social challenges we have overcome to bring this about."


Pizza & beer (thanks to Media Temple) should arrive at 6:30pm, and the talk will start promptly at 7pm!


Related events

The Tiki community is in Boston this week for these related events:
RecentChangesCamp 2011: March 11-12-13, 2011

TikiFest Boston 7: March 14-15-16-17-18, 2011


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We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

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