Mylyn 3.5, Agile and the new face of the Java IDE by Mik Kersten

Description: A decade ago, heavyweight ALM tools did more to impede developers than to support collaboration. With the move to Agile methodologies, the time has come to embrace lightweight collaboration and social coding tools to increase our velocity. For many Java developers, Mylyn has become the tool of choice for connecting team communication with coding. In 2010, Mylyn became a top-level Eclipse project and grew to support the entire Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) stack. This talk will overview of how Mylyn can double your Java coding output by bringing the entire workday into the place where you are most productive—your IDE. Demos will showcase how Mylyn’s task-focused interface integrates all leading task and Agile tools, SCM tools such as SVN and Git, and build/CI tools including Hudson. We will then review productivity best practices learned from deploying Mylyn at scale both in open source projects and large organizations. The talk will conclude with a vision of how realigning collaboration around a unified notion of tasks can yield a measurable productivity and knowledge capture benefit across the entire organization.

Speaker: Dr. Mik Kersten is the CEO of Tasktop Technologies, creator of the Eclipse Mylyn open source project and inventor of the task-focused interface. As a research scientist at Xerox PARC, Mik implemented the first aspect-oriented programming tools for AspectJ. He created Mylyn and the task-focused interface during his PhD in Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. Mik has been an Eclipse committer since 2002, is an elected member of the Eclipse Board of Directors and serves on the Eclipse Architecture Council. Mik’s thought leadership on task-focused collaboration makes him a popular keynote speaker at software conferences, and he was voted a JavaOne Rock Star speaker in 2008 and 2009. Mik has also been recognized as one of the top ten IBM developerWorks Java technology writers of the decade. He enjoys building tools that offload our brains and make it easier to get creative work done.

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