Ottawa Scrum - Book Club Edition

Ottawa Scrum Users Group
24-25 Mar 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
Momentous , Ottawa, CA

Have you read a good book lately that you would like to share with the Ottawa Scrum community?  Since we don't have the time to read everything that we want to, here's an opportunity to get the crib note versions of some of those that you haven't made it to yet.

In this session, members of the group will present short summaries and discussions about a book that they have read recently that has contributed to their understanding or application of Scrum and its principles. Each presentation and discussion will complete within ten minutes.  Props are encouraged and PowerPoint slides will be tolerated ;-)

This discussion thread will track what is being presented:

A light supper and refreshments are available at 6:00pm and the meetup will start at 6:30pm. Thanks to Momentous for hosting this event.

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