Bobby Johnson and Real-World Continuous Integration

Thu, 10 Mar 2011, 19:00 - 21:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Olympia, US

Bobby will show us a sample of the continuous integration system at Russell Investments and discuss it’s goals and benefits. He will then introduce you to the tools used to create the system and demonstrate how to quickly set up a CI process in your own shop with no cost to your business beyond a little time.

Topics covered and demonstrated: Source Control, Project Structure, Build Scripts, Setting up a CI Server, Executing a build including running unit tests automatically every time someone commits a change to source control.

Bobby Johnson is a Senior Software Developer with Russell Investments and is directly responsible for developing high quality, maintainable applications that allow Russell to manage millions of dollars worth of investments and remain a major player in the investment sector. He is a regular contributing member if the local South Sound .NET Users group and ALT.NET Seattle , speaker at Seattle & Portland Code Camps as well as contributor to many open source projects. Bobby maintains a blog, frequently tweets and plays entirely to much World of Warcraft

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