agileLUNCHBOX - Reducing Uncertainty by Speaking the Same Language

TechLife Columbus
Wed, 30 Mar 2011, 15:30 - 17:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
OCLC , Dublin, US

Topic: Reducing Uncertainty

We all struggle to effectively describe what we want our product to do. Then after painstakingly describing it we discover that other people don't understand what we mean!

In this workshop, we will collaboratively build a common vocabulary to communicate a products behavior. We will also learn how to use this technique to prevent defects, decrease uncertainty, and steadily create real value for our customers and business.

Speaker: Zach Spencer

Zachary Spencer is an executive management and technical coach. He loves helping companies change the world and be great places to work. His blend of technical competence, business sense, and passion for sharing knowledge allow him to create positive change at any level of an organization. He tweets regularly as @zspencer and publishes articles on his website,

Lunch graciously sponsored by Pillar

Please RSVP By Monday March 28th so we can order enough food!


11:30AM - 12:00PM - lunch and networking

12:05PM - 12:40PM - presentation

12:40PM - 1:00PMĀ  - Q&A / discussion

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