WorldCat Mashathon U.S.

TechLife Columbus
Thu, 7 Apr 2011, 12:00 - 14:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
OCLC , Dublin, US

This is a two-day event, April 7 & 8.

Why attend the WorldCat Mashathon U.S.?
• Brainstorm potential apps for the WorldCat Search API, MapFAST and other new OCLC Web services.
• Gain development access to 1.5 billion items from more than 10,000 libraries worldwide.
• Integrate these resources with many others to create innovative new services.
• Meet fellow developers across the information industry.
• Share your creative vision and be a part of the next wave of online library development.

Roy Tennant of OCLC Research and longtime Code4Lib participant will kick off the session. OCLC staff will also be available at each location for questions and breakout facilitation—and we’ll connect all the sites together via chat, IRC, video conference and Webcast. Ideas, outcomes and code from the Mashathon, together with a participants list, will be shared during and after the event for others to download and build on.


Cost: US$ 30

Event Tag: #mashus11


Full details and registration here.


You must register here to attend.

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