Dreamcore Kickoff Tweetup

Sitecore User Group - New England
18-19 Apr 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Boston, US

Join us for the second annual Dreamcore Kickoff Meet-up & Tweet-up, hosted by the Sitecore New England User Group and ISITE Design. This year the meet up will take place just up the street from the Park Plaza, at Minibar (adjacent to the Copley Square Hotel). The meet-up is your chance to chat and catch-up with fellow Sitecore developers and users of all levels of involvement, before the conference kicks off on Tuesday. Come enjoy some cocktails and make a few friends, and start Dreamcore 2011 off with a bang!

Register here: http://dreamcoremeetup.eventbrite.com/

Appetizers, mingling, and one free round on us

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