GORM: Funny name, but a serious persistence framework

TechLife Columbus
Tue, 12 Apr 2011, 15:30 - 17:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
OCLC , Dublin, US


Grails  object relational mapping (GORM) is one of the most powerful features of the Grails framework.  Project bootstrapping and CRUD scaffolding are nice things to get you started, but GORM continues to pay off throughout the development of an application.  Even maintenance tasks become simpler and more fun with GORM. 

In this presentation we’ll discover what GORM is and what it does for us.  We’ll cover dynamic domain class methods, dynamic finders, one-to-many and many-to-many relationships, Hibernate Criteria Builders and more.  We’ll also take a look at some things to watch out for since, after all, this is Object Relational Mapping we’re talking about. 


Dave is a consultant helping organizations of all sizes to develop applications more quickly (and have more fun doing it) with Grails. Dave has been involved in enterprise software development for the past 18 years. He has worked as a developer, architect, project manager, mentor and trainer. Dave has presented at user groups and national conferences. He is also the founder of the Gateway Groovy Users in St. Louis, MO, the author of Grails: A Quick-Start Guide, published by the Pragmatic Programmers and the upcoming Hello! Groovy, to be published by Manning.  



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