Windows Phone 7 for iOS Developers

The New York iPhone Software Developers Meetup
13-14 Apr 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , , US

For a change of pace this month, we'll be meeting at Microsoft's offices for a presentation on Windows Phone 7 aimed at iOS developers.  Even if you're not planning to port your app to WP7, it's always nice to check out other platforms and see how they're doing things.

PLEASE NOTE: the location for this meetup is at Microsoft at 1290 Avenue of the Americas, and not at our usual location. 

Also, have no fear, this month's talk on WP7 is totally optional, and we'll be back in early May with a regular iOS talk.

Here are the details on the talk from the presenter Danilo Diaz, Developer Evangelist for Microsoft:

Windows Phone 7 for iOS Developers

In a nutshell, we will build an application from the ground up for Windows iPhone 7.  In the process of building the app, we will cover the tools and framework that make up the Windows Phone 7 platform including:

·        App design guides (Metro UI)
·        App lifecycle (state management)
·        How to access data from WP7
·        The programming paradigm(s) for WP7
·        Accessing Web Services from WP7
·        A wide variety of tooling that will help you be productive
·        Marketplace and App certification

Bring your questions and concerns about our platform. The team is very excited about this opportunity and we would love to help you out anyway we can.

About the presenter

Dani Diaz (@DaniDiaz), is a Microsoft Developer Evangelist where he helps developers understand Microsoft's product offerings and strategy. His main focus area is Windows Phone development. Prior to Microsoft, he lead a team of mobile developers for a large consulting company in Philadelphia. He is active in the Philly geek scene and plays around with many different technologies in his spare time.

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