Web Developers Meetup: This Product Sucks -The Business Impacts of UX Breakdowns

The Dayton Web Standards Meetup Group
4-5 May 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Kettering, US

Join us to hear Darren Kall from Kall Consulting present this  humorous talk that explores the very serious topic of why businesses should be concerned with product and service user experience, the business value / ROI of user  experience investments, how they increase revenues, reduce development and support costs, and decrease time to market. Darren gives examples of products that suck; explaining that at the root of all of them is that they were designed without the user/customer in mind.


It is Kall Consulting's most popular talk and appropriate for business leaders and product owners and anyone involved in developing products or services with which customers interact.


Kall Consulting is focused on end-to-end customer and user  experience design and strategy. Applying experience design techniques, with a focus on customers and users, increases revenues, saves costs, and decreases time to market.


If you would like to meet afterward for food/drinks, plan accordingly.


Also, we are seeking people to present at future meetings. If you are interested, please contact one of the organizers (Keith or Nathan).


We will be meeting at Triune Group, near Wright State University.

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