Review Scrum Planning

The Vancouver Adaptive Software Development Meetup Group
Sun, 24 Apr 2011, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
Raw Canvas , Vancouver, CA

6:30-6:45 Round table: we will have free talk of introducing ourselves and people who are there for  the first time, as participants arrive to the meeting.

6:45-7:00 First War Story...

7:00-7:30 Agile Estimation Methods, hand of poker and Fist of Five

7:30-8:00 Q &A, Examples, and networking

8:00-8:15 Agile plans: Product Vision, Roadmap, Release planning,
Scrum planning, Daily planning

8:15-8:30 Clearing the "Parking Lot"


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“God could create the world in six days because he didn't have to make it compatible with the previous version.”