San Francisco iPhone Workshop-Register at Early Bird and Save

San Francisco iPhone Intensive
Fri, 15 Apr 2011, 17:00 - 19:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Sunnyvale, US

Who's hosting? Jonathan Sarno

How to find us: Venue not 100 % confirmed. We will email you with final venue is confirmed

The Intensive 3 Day iPhone Boot Camp includes the course book with over 200 pages of slides, sample code and exercises, Workshops are limited in size and are hand-on with exercises and plenty of time for Q & A with the instructor. It is located at the iPhone Mansion, a San Francisco mecca for iPhone Development

Satisfaction Guaranteed:
If, before the end of the first day of the course, you are not satisfied and notify the instructor you wish to withdraw, you will receive a full refund of all course fees paid. All training material must remain with the instructor at the time of withdrawal.

Read about the iPhone Boot Camp's iPhone Mansion in San Francisco at the WWWDC in ars technica

These are the comments on previous San Francisco iPhone Boot Camps:

Gus Ayesh
“ This was intense, wonderful, thought provoking and rich indeed. We covered technology, development, and marketting. The instructors are phenomenal. Thank you guys. ”

jan rupp
“ i thought that the workshop was great. i learned as much as i expected and more. the trainers where excellent. Overall a great experience.

The 3 day intensive 10am-6pm covers the fundamentals and advanced feature of iPhone development, enough training that you should be able to develop your own iPhone application. The workshop features hands on exercises under the supervision of the instructor. Syllabus

Instructor: Neal Goldstein
Neal Goldstein is a recognized leader in making state-of-the-art and cutting-edge technologies practical for commercial and enterprise development. He was one of the first technologists to work with commercial developers at firms such as Apple Computer, Lucasfilm, and Microsoft to develop commercial applications using object-based programming technologies.

He was a pioneer in moving that approach into the corporate world for developers at Liberty Mutual Insurance, USWest (now Verizon), National Car Rental, EDS, and Continental Airlines, showing them how object-oriented programming could solve enterprise-wide problems. His book (with Jeff Alger) on object-oriented development, Developing Object-Oriented Software for the Macintosh (Addison Wesley, 1992), introduced the idea of scenarios and patterns to developers. He was an early advocate of the Microsoft .NET framework, and successfully introduced it into many enterprises, including Charles Schwab. He was one of the earliest developers of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), and as Senior Vice President of Advanced Technology and the Chief Architect at Charles Schwab, he built an integrated SOA solution that spanned the enterprise, from desktop PCs to servers to complex network mainframes. (He holds three patents as a result.)

As one of IBM’s largest customers, he introduced them to SOA at the enterprise level and encouraged them to head in that direction. He currently has 8 applications in the App Store including a series of Travel Photo Guides ( developed with his partners at mobilefortytwo and Digital Field Guides ( ) developed in partnership with John Wiley. He also has cool little free app called Expense Calendar which allows you to keep track of things like expenses, mileage, and time by adding them to your calendar.

You'll start by coding a utility application, and I'll give you an overview of the steps and tools involved and the capabilities of Xcode and the SDK We start by looking at the templates that come with Xcode that can get you up and running quickly. You’ll create a simple application Goodbye Hello World using the View based application template and the partial curl transition. I'll show you how to use tab views as well.  I'll get more into Xocde and how to customize it. We’ll go through Objective C basics: classes, objects, message syntax, properties, dot notation, I’ll explain the SDK and the basic architecture of an iPhone application including the various design patterns used in the SDK that you will need to know         
Model-View-Controller (MVC)
Block Objects
Managed Memory Model

Then we’ll take a look at how iOS 4 works; How your application is launched, how it runs at runtime, and how it needs to behave in the multitasking world of iOS 4.

Then I’ll take you through the real world development process of developing a utility application. We’ll start by using Interface Builder to design the user interface.  You’ll work with the basic UIKit classes and view controllers and views. You will use labels, images, buttons and button-like controls, gesture recognizers, and text fields. You’ll work with the notification system and use Block objects to respond to notifications. You'll  scroll the view using core animation when the keyboard blocks a text field. You’ll discover outlets and target-action and how to work with properties.  You’ll also save some data to user preferences. Later you’ll take that data and save it using Core Data. You’ll use a Web view to display information and even have it dial a phone number you display for you. Then you’ll add sound, more animation using Core Animation, and even access to the user's iPod library to allow them to listen to their own music. During the process I’ll show you how to use the debugger to deal with errors and use breakpoints to actually see what’s going on as your application executes.

Then we go through the process of provisioning your application to run on the iPhone: ad hoc provisioning so you can have people beta test your app, and finally getting it ready for the store and the process of submitting to the store and how to avoid getting it rejected.

With all this under your belt, you’ll go to work on an industrial strength application. I’ll take you through the design process and you’ll create a user interface and application design. You’ll learn all about Table views and how to make them work the way you want, including how to customize Table view cells. You’ll save the state of an application and add your application’s user preferences to the Settings application. You’ll also handle the situation under iOS 4, of the user changing preferences while your app is in background. You’ll work with content both in the application bundle and download content from the web to use in your application. You’ll work more Web views and how to use your own content, and even access web pages without leaving your application. We’ll use the file system and create and restore files and enter the magical world of property lists. Since your application will be multiple pages, you’ll use a Table view to navigate the pages and how navigation controllers work. 

Finally you’ll dig deeply into the crown jewels of the iPhone: mapping and location services. You’ll display maps, create custom annotations, and even drag annotations and change their coordinates and what they display. You’ll use reverse geocoding to create addresses from coordinates and then zoom the map to display the regions on a map. You’ll learn all about core location and how it works including the services available to reduce battery drain, and you’ll keep your application running in background and display local notifications to the user about location changes, even when your application is running in background.

About the iPhone Boot Camp
The iPhone Boot camp is the leading training workshop for professional iPhone development. We employ top level developer-trainers to teach iPhone development and related iPhone development tools, such as Cocoa, Objective C and Open GL ES. To date we have trained in six cities in two countries over 100 developers who have developed dozens of apps in the app store, from indpendent developer to Fortune 500 companies, including IBM, AOL, genentech, SRI, Thomson Reuter, AP,, Crate and Barrel, Shure, HBSC,etc.

What should I bring with me?
An Intel Macintosh laptop computer.
XCode and the iPhone SDK installed on your Macintosh laptop
An iPhone or iPod Touch, if you have one (optional)
Basic programming knowledge, including object-oriented programming experience, such as Java,, NET, C, Visual Studio
Familiarity with the Mac

Who should attend?
Experienced programmers interested in iPhone application development
People new to Mac development and iPhone development

Why take a workshop when I can read books, attend a lecture watch videos and webinars?
Most people, even those with extensive experience in programming, find the SDK difficult to master. Books and video are great to prepare for a workshop but there is sitll no substitute for a small hands on workshop with other developer, where you can ask questions to an experienced instructor looking over your shoulder as you go through the episodes step by step. Basically it saves you month of time and money.

Our Alumni Network for Work
We don't just offer training. We are also iPhone developers ourselves, as are our alumni. We have an online alumni network where the members post jobs, requests for proposals and form partnerships.
To find out more about the iPhone Boot Camp, including videos, a detailed syllabus, links to our local meetup groups and detailed info on how to prepare for the workshop go to our main site iPhoneBootCampNYC

Registration for the next San Francisco iPhone Boot Camp is now open at early bird rate


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