CHIFOO Workshop: All Together Now: Blending Interaction Design and Agile Development Techniques

Thu, 7 May 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
CubeSpace , Portland, US

Come join Lane Halley, of Cooper, and Jeff Patton, of Agile Product Design, for a fast-paced day of fun and learning. Through a combination of lecture and hands-on exercises, you will increase your understanding of both User-Centered Design (UCD) and Agile methods and gain useful techniques you can use immediately.

In this full-day workshop, you will learn how to: • Choose appropriate UCD and Agile development techniques for your needs • Successfully collaborate with diverse teams • Understand who your “user” is, and what he or she values • Create compelling design concepts that are shared by the entire team • Iteratively sketch solutions as a group • Translate design concepts into smaller user stories that can be implemented • Prioritize and sequence product construction, without losing sight of the “big picture” This workshop is appropriate for people working in the UCD field, as well as people curious about UCD or Agile.

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