Cross Platform Mobile Development with .NET

NYC Windows Phone User Group
19-20 Sep 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US



Greg Shackles is a Senior Software Engineer at OLO Online Ordering, based in New York City. He is an active member of the .NET community as well, and speaks regularly at user groups and regional events. In addition to technology, he is also an avid fan of heavy metal, baseball, and craft beer, sometimes all at once. His blog, which focuses mostly on .NET topics, can be found at



With so many dominant players in the mobile space, each with its own stack, the thought of developing for all of them is daunting but unavoidable. Strange as it may seem, .NET developers are actually in the best position of all to do just that. While .NET is native on Windows Phone 7, products like MonoTouch and Mono for Android allow developers to leverage the .NET framework on iOS and Android as well. This allows the core of an application to be shared across all platforms while still providing a native user experience for each. In this session I'll describe how to take this approach to building mobile applications by going through the code to a real application built for Windows Phone 7, iPhone and Android, and demonstrating how to maximize code reuse between them.

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