Usability Testing Rocks

Atlanta Web Design Group
29-30 Sep 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Atlanta, US
15.0 USD

Usability testing isn't scary after all.

There's a place for usability testing in fancy labs and staring at users through one way glass, but we're going to talk about meeting with users in the wild. Jenn will show you how to recruit test participants and prepare, conduct, and report on usability tests that lead to the magic moment where testing becomes insight and insight leads to fame, fortune, pyrotechnics and a better experience for your users.


About your speaker:

Jenn Downs is a Design Researcher for MailChimp. She is passionate about consistency and simple workflows and loves meeting up with users to observe interfaces in the wild. Jenn might <3 music="" as="" much="" as="" the="" interwebz="" and="" you="" can="" find="" her="" singing="" and="" rocking="" out="" on="" bass="" in="">Superpill.


Food and Drinks!

In a rush? No worries! We'll have plenty of food and drinks on hand.


Post Event Mixer

As always, we’ll head to Fadó Irish Pub for drinks and conversation after the talk.

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“Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I’ll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems.” - Jamie Zawinski