AMD and CommonJS modules

Pittsburgh JavaScript Developers
5-6 Oct 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Pittsburgh, US

The Asynchronous Module Definition [AMD] API and CommonJS are the future of Javascript modules, at least until we get official harmony modules. Even major toolkits like Dojo, jQuery, and MooTools have all announced they're moving to AMD format (or at least providing AMD compatibility).

But you don't have to wait until the future to use AMD and CommonJS right now, both in the browser and in Node!

At this meetup, we'll look at the module formats to understand how to create them, as well as the advantages they have over other, previous module patterns. Time permitting, we'll look at how to implement some common design patterns (singleton, decorator, adapter, etc) using AMD/CommonJS, and also look at the advantages of AMD loaders and build tools.

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