Inaugural MadJS Meetup: 5:30, Horizon coworking space

Thu, 10 Nov 2011, 01:00 - 03:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Madison, US

Hi Everyone,

First, and again, thank you all for getting involved in MadJS.  The interest in a Madison based Javascript interest group has been fantastic, and really encouraging.  

So, now its time to hold our first meeting.  We are scheduled for 9/14 at 5:30 PM at the Horizon co-working space.  There are two great topics lined up as well.  Southpole Steve is going to talk with us about JQuery Mobile.  I'm working up a talk on testing JS using Jasmine, how to do it right, and with minimal overhead.  Anyone else?

Thanks to everyone who chimed in with the dates that work for them, and apologies to any of you who have a conflict on the 14th.  We hope to see you at the next meeting in October.

For any of you who haven't yet been up to the Horizon coworking space, its a fantastic office, and we are really grateful to them for hosting us.  Here is where they are located:


Suite 818

The US Bank Building
1 S. Pinckney St.
Madison, WI 53701

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