Building apps with Tiggr, A Cloud Service for Building Mobile Apps

Mountain View JavaScript Meetup Group
Thu, 10 Nov 2011, 03:00 - 05:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Mountain View, US

In this cool session you will learn how to build HTML5 and native apps using Tiggr. Tiggr is a cloud-based mobile apps builder that uses HTML5, jQuery Mobile, RES, and PhoneGap to build apps. A real mobile app will be built during the session, which attendees will be able to run and test on their own devices.


Max Katz is a Developer Advocate for Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder at Exadel. You can find Max’s writings about RIA and mobile technologies on his blog, , and you him on Twitter at @maxkatz.

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We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.”