Monthly Book Club Discussion

Agile Alliance Australia - Sydney Chapter
Mon, 26 Mar 2012, 06:45 - 08:45 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Sydney, AU

We have been having this MeetUp for a while but haven't been listing it on the group page, but this year we want to be more open and let new people come along if they are interested.


The basic idea is: each month the group picks a book to read, everyone goes off and reads it during the month and then we get together to discuss it, rinse and repeat. Normally each meetup last for about an hour.


If you know a good Agile/Lean/Scrum/Kanban... book or want to find ones or just hear what other people thought about the ideas in the book come along. I'll update the page with the books discussed each month.



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