SQL Server Performance: Evaluation of Various Features (Linchi Shea)

Thu, 9 Feb 2012, 18:00 - 20:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
University of Connecticut , One University Place, US

Before you use a new feature with SQL Server, you naturally would wonder about its performance implications. Will it improve or degrade performance, and by how much? You can search on the web for answers, or you can come to this session where we’ll discuss a variety of test results that may help you handle such features as hyperthreading, hardware NUMA, disk fragmentation, log file fragmentation, parallelism, SQL audit/trace, snapshot isolation levels, SQLCLR Try/Catch blocks, and many more. Linchi Shea has been working with SQL Server since version 4.21a. He works in the financial services in the NYC area. Among other things, he is interested in analyzing and improving SQL Server performance. You can find him blogging at sqlblog.com. Linchi has been a Microsoft MVP since 2002.

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