polyepmodnopinizr 5 and you

Mon, 13 Feb 2012, 17:30 - 20:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Quarry Oaks II 10900 Stonelake , Suite 225, US

There are lots of buzzwords these days. Let's pull apart some of these popular libraries and technologies and figure out what problems they solve and what problems we're left to solve on our own. Let's also look into out how to make this all work the way that we want... in all the browsers that we want. We're not talking about performing magic; we're talking about setting expectations and realities. The talk will cover some implementation details about some of these new technologies, but will more importantly offer a framework for thinking about next year's buzzwords too.

alex sexton Alex is a Labs Engineer at Bazaarvoice in Austin, TX. He is a member of the jQuery and Modernizr teams, and the creator of yepnope.js and most recently Jed (a JavaScript i18n library). He has a passion for large, modern, front-end heavy applications. He tweets as @SlexAxton, codes at https://github.com/SlexAxton, and blogs at http://alexsexton.com/.

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