Kevlin Henney & Jon Jagger's Mastering Agile Practice

2-3 Apr 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
The Skills Matter eXChange , London, GB

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Join popular agile speaker, consultant and trainer Kevlin Henney and TDD specialist Jon Jagger on their two day course as they cover Mastering Agile Practice.

During the course you will practice reflecting on working together and developing software, for which you will be using CyberDojo, an innovative, collaborative, browser-based environment. The course will include software and non-software exercises, developing other skills you may find useful.

On the completion of this course you will learn how to evaluate and improve test cases using TDD, learn pairing and team skills by putting them into practice, identifying blindspots in your thinking and helping you to evaluate the quality of your own work.

To find out more and sign up here

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