Introduction to CoffeeScript

State College Ruby Group
14-15 Mar 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , State College, US

Hector Correa will be presenting for this meet up! Here is his description for the talk:


Come and learn about CoffeeScript, a little language that compiles into JavaScript while allowing you to write better, cleaner, and more importantly, less client code to power your web sites.

CoffeeScript takes JavaScript’s good parts, cleans up the syntax a little bit, adds lexical scope to variables (which prevents accidental pollution of the global namespace), makes function binding easier, and seamlessly integrates with existing JavaScript libraries like jQuery and YUI.

I will cover what is CoffeeScript, the main features of the language, plenty of examples on how to use it on the client side, and a few on the server-side via node.js.

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